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  • Alison J

How Full is Your Bucket?

Bucket overflowing with stress and toxins

Recapping on my facebook live session, “How Full is Your Bucket?”, if you prefer to watch the video then click here.

Using the analogy of a bucket being your body, let’s consider all of the outside influences that quickly start to fill your bucket up. It doesn’t take much before we have overflow. When our bucket overflows then something has to give. If your digestive system is your weak point, then that is what is going to suffer, and symptoms will appear. Here are just some of the things your body has to cope with. Now remember, our bodies are designed to deal with exposure to these influences, it only becomes a problem when it goes on for too long, or the load is too big.


You are exposed to a number of environmental toxins every single day without even thinking about it. There is pollution in our air from vehicles, processing pants and cigarette smoke. We are also faced with lead and copper in the water we drink and even mercury from the fillings in our mouth. What about chlorine that is also in our drinking water and pools that we swim in?


Every time you wash your hair, clean your house, wash the clothes, put on deodorant, apply and remove makeup, hairspray, gel and even toothpaste you are being exposed to chemicals. Now there’s a good reason to ditch the housework!


Processed food is one of the biggest contributors to our toxin exposure as they include colours, flavours and preservatives. Read the ingredients, if they have a combination of numbers and letters along with names you can’t pronounce then they’re filling up your bucket. Many fresh foods are also covered in pesticides to keep the bugs away, you can wash them all you like but some will still remain. Then we have alcohol; yes, we all enjoy a glass or two of vino, but we have to accept that it is still a toxin that the body needs to deal with. What about drugs, and I’m not talking about the street variety, though they definitely fall into this category in a major way. I’m talking about prescription and non-prescription medication such as Panaodol, Neurofen and antacids for example. Ask yourself, do you really need them?


This is what usually tops our bucket up and leads to overflow. Many of us live our lives in a state of constant stress. Much of this stress points is difficult to change and requires time and often life changing decisions. The thought of getting up and going to work could cause you stress. What about a difficult family situation, and unhappy relationship, grief, or even social anxiety such as public speaking?

What Can I do?

Change the things that you can control and reduce the level in your bucket. You can’t change your exposure to pollution unless you pack up and move to a deserted island. You want to change your work/family/social situation but that takes time. I’m not suggesting you throw away everything in your cupboards and go on a shopping spree, but you can make a small change each week. Every time you run out of a household item, then replace it with a chemical free option. When you are doing your grocery shop, read the labels and make better choices. There are many wonderful local markets popping up offering fresh local spray free produce.

Remember, small changes can make a big difference.

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